At the pool while sitting in the hot tub:
Walter: What is that building over there?
Me: A sauna.
Walter: What's it like in there?
Me: I don't know. I have never been in a sauna.
Walter: Is it big? Is it hot? Do you sit down?
Did I miss something? Didn't I just say I don't know? Okay, so I do know somewhat what it might be like in a sauna. I mean, I know it is hot. I think. But the rest--really I don't know.
Me: I don't know. I have never been in there.
Still in the hot tub:
Me: Where's Allison? I don't see her.
Helen: Allison? Where is Allison?
Me: Yeah Allison. I don't see her.
Helen: She's right there. Oh wait, that's you.
What is it about a hot tub? Does it adle people's brains? Is it the chemicals? We do enjoy sitting in the hot tub when we go to the family swim nights at the pool, but if my kids continue in this way we may have to stop.