Up until 2 weeks ago she had never even ridden a horse. But, boy, was she going to. She was going to the horse arena and Carrie was going to let her ride a horse in the horse show. "I can wear my new boots!" she proclaimed. "Carrie will let me." Carrie is my older daughter's teacher for horseback riding lessons. She is now my littlest daughter's Best Friend Forever.
What about me? Sob.
"Carrie let me ride a horse, Mom." I was told. Now is probably not a good time to point out to her all the pain and toil I went through during childbirth with her. Plenty of time for that later.
I figured this would be one of those things where she will talk about it but when it comes time to do it she will chicken out. Kids can be like that sometimes. But a few weeks ago when at the ranch with her daddy, she hopped right up on a horse like she had been doing it all her life. She was held on one side by Carrie and the other side by her dad, and off they went. She learned "Walk, Dakota" and "Whoa, Dakota". Afterwards, she said to Carrie, "You're my Best Friend!" I missed it all because of the gymnastics meet.
Last weekend, while my husband and I were up on the mountaintop making out...JUST KIDDING!!...having a picnic, big sister and little sister walked from Grandma's house down to the horse barn. Since we hadn't given prior permission for my youngest daughter to ride, she just had to watch for a while. No big deal, she had gotten to ride the weekend before, and her and Carrie are best buds, so she sat and chatted with her BFF while big sister rode.
But the second I showed up she was ready to go. "Mom, I can ride a horse! I am going to ride Guardie (Guardian)! Mom, here is my water bottle! Mom, I am sitting right here! Mom, I can ride! Where is my helmet! Mom! Mom! Mom!"
This time she got to sit up on Guardian with my oldest daughter. She did all the commanding (she is particularly good at that part of it).

"Elbow, elbow...wrist, wrist..."
"Elbow, elbow..."
"Elbow, elbow..."

"...blow a kiss!"
You may notice she is not looking at ME, rather she is looking at Carrie. Hmpff.

And of course when done riding a horse, you must give him a treat.
Now my little one says "Guardie is mine, Mom!"
Yes, dear.
that is so cute!!!!
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