Monday, December 24, 2007

Camera Tips

Hi, just your friendly neighborhood camera person, here to give you a few tips on using your camera for the Christmas season.

1. Unless you want transparent children, turn on as many lights as possible.

2. Remember that the fancy camera that you paid an arm and a leg for has settings for low light situations.

He can move fast, but not THAT fast.

3. Remember that fancy camera? And that fancy 50mm f1.7 lens you have? Use it.

Getting better.

4. Don't use the on camera flash. Whatever you do. Do. Not. Use. The. On. Camera. Flash. Oh, and don't forget that you actually do have a nice flash that hooks onto the camera and blinds everyone in the room when you use it. I did.

See what happens when you use the on camera flash? Don't make the same mistakes as me.

5. Don't take pictures like this of your 14 year old daughter. She will not thank you later.

She doesn't really look like that. Really. It was the camera's fault.

6. Do take pictures of the lights on the tree. They are so pretty.

7. If you are still having trouble with low light (because you forgot all the other things except you have now changed the lens to the 50mm f1.7), don't worry about underexposing a little. Dark is better than blurry.

8. Or, you could try changing the ISO setting (this should not take clear until the end of decorating the Christmas tree to figure out, especially if you have taken a photography class, by the way).

That didn't work very well.

9. Lastly, maybe you should check your white balance at the beginning of taking the pictures, and not at the end. When you are done. That way, all the pictures will not turn out with a yellowish tint. That isn't very easily fixable in Photoshop. Obviously, I have a lot to learn.

1 comment:

KarenK said...

Great tips on using your camera! Best part was the pictures of the kids, of course. Merry Christmas to all.