Thursday, June 21, 2007


March 1, 2007

Dear Rhododendron,

I have noticed that you are looking a little sickly after the long winter. Your leaves are brown and your stems look like sticks. Are you alive in there? Is anyone home?

Love, Cristy

April 20, 2007

Dear Rhododendron,

There is still no new growth. Some of your leaves are half green and half brown and I have no idea if you are dead or not. Can you give me a sign? I had such high hopes for you when I planted you in my yard last summer. I pictured you growing into a beautiful large bush. I am so disappointed in you.

Love, Cristy

May 31, 2007


Alright, this is getting ridiculous. If you don't grow some new leaves soon, I am ripping you out of the ground and planting something that will appreciate all my hard work. Something like a hydrangea. Or a lilac bush. This is your last warning.


June 2, 2007

My Dearest Rhododendron,

Please forgive my last letter. I don't know what came over me. I realize this has been all my fault. I planted you in full sun when I knew you would prefer a shady spot. Forgive me.

Love, Cristy

June 21, 2007

Dear Rhododendron,

It seems that you can hear me. I see your new leaves now. I am so happy that you decided to stick around. Don't worry, I will plant the lilac bush somewhere else. I will keep watering you and taking good care of you. You will never be thirsty again.

Love, Cristy

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