Monday, November 19, 2007

Turkey Day...again, or, Cathy is the nicest person in the world

Yesterday we butchered the turkeys. I don't think we could have picked a more miserable, cold, rainy day. Cathy came to help in spite of the cold weather. Thank you, thank you!

I was hoping that this years turkeys were not going to be quite so large as the ones last year--remember this one?

Well, it was delicious, but entirely to big.

Last year the smallest turkey was 26lb 14oz, this year the largest one was 26lb 13oz. The smallest was 6lb 4oz, but she was a tiny Royal Palm of the not Thanksgiving variety, so that one doesn't count. The smallest white was 17lb 6oz, and most of the others fell within 20-24 pounds.

Our Family Thanksgiving table will be graced with the presence of one of my turkeys this year, so I hope everyone that eats turkey will love it, and everyone who doesn't eat turkey will wish they did. Ha!

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