Tuesday Ten: I Wonder...
1. ...what is for dinner? As soon as one day is over and I no longer have this question burning in my mind, another day starts and there it is again. I hate cooking dinner. I don't eat it, I don't like it, and I don't want to have to cook it. Especially for a bunch of ungrateful, whiney children who would rather eat macaroni and cheese seven days a week given the chance. Hey, what a good idea. Mac-n-cheese it is.
2. ...when the garage is going to be done? I would love to post an update on our garage progress, but NOTHING HAS BEEN DONE. For weeks. I am feeling like just giving up on the whole idea, but then there would be this large unfinished building right out my back door. Wait, there is now. Maybe when the weather warms up my husband will thaw enough to get a little work done. Or June will roll around (expiration of permit) and that will light a fire under him.
3. ...why some people wait until the last minute to do anything? It isn't like you don't KNOW it needs to be done or anything. No, you have to wait until the deadline is looming and there is stress and pressure. Uh, speaking in general terms here, of course. Not pointing fingers at anyone in particular.
4. ...if I am coming down with another cold? If so, this will be the 3rd time in a row. As soon as I got over the first cough/cold, I got it again. Now I have a bit of a sore throat and a runny nose today. Actually I have a runny nose every day because of allergies so it is difficult to tell the difference between a cold runny nose and an allergy runny nose, but there is that little bit of a sore throat. I think I am going to boycott church until cold and flu season is over. Sick people, STAY HOME, YOU IMBECILES!!!
5. ...if anyone liked my close up pictures? I can't decide if my favorite is #4 or #6. I like the darkness of #4 with the glowing waterdrop, but there is something about #6. I think they both need a little more depth of field. Number 5 is set as my desktop background. Did you like them? Anyone?
6. ...about the panhandlers at the street corner. Specifically the ones with the signs that say "Why lie, I need a beer." Do they think they are being funny? I find that incredibly sad. Do they make more money than the ones that say "Please help. God bless you."? I really wonder about that. I think the dancing for dollars guy is quite funny, by the way. He seems to get quite a lot of money. Is it enough to live on? More wondering. I saw a sign once that said "Will take mild insults for pocket change." I did think that was funny. I even laughed. Is that bad? To laugh at a panhandler? I wonder.
7. ...if my son will really choose working at a "snack shack" as a career. Today during our science lesson I mentioned to the boys that one of them could become an astrophysicist or some other scientisty thing and discover new things about the planets. My 10 year old son said, "Not me, I want to work at a snack shack."
Huh? Did he really just say he wants to work at a snack shack? I think he did, but I am going to pretend he didn't. Moving right along...
8. ...if anyone noticed that every time I spelled refrigerator in this entire blog I spelled it WRONG. Not only am I a grammar snob, but I am also a spelling snob and I was spelling refrigerator wrong. Horrifying. Mostly because the four people who read my blog are also spelling snobs. And grammar snobs. Yes, you. Don't deny it. By the way, if I spell anything else wrong, don't tell me. Eventually I will give in to the niggling feeling that it just doesn't look right and then I will look it up in the dictionary. Until then I would rather be blissfully unaware. Anyway, who is to say that I didn't just spell it wrong because I knew it would annoy you?
9. ...why I agreed to take charge of the store for the parent's club at the gym? WHY?? I am not an in charge type of person. So why???? Everything is in a mess and I have only 1 1/2 weeks until the largest meet of the year to get it all organized and put together or whose fault will it be that the store is lame? MINE.
10. ...why I am so crabby today? In the space of the last 30 minutes I have called my children ungrateful and whiny, the people at church imbeciles, my family snobs, and crabbed about my husband not working on the garage. Sorry. Wait, no I'm not. But maybe I will be tomorrow. We'll see.