I don't go grocery shopping very often--I tend to avoid doing things I don't enjoy. If I can get away with it that is. Looking at my checkbook, I notice that I made a large shopping trip to my 3 stores--WinCo, Costco, and Canned Food Outlet--on March 14, and the next large trip wasn't until May 9. With 5 small (under $30) trips in between. There is nothing wrong with having tuna sandwiches 3 days in a row is there? Homemade bread and home canned tuna. No need to go to the grocery store.
I buy a lot of things in bulk from my mother-in-law --rice, beans, wheat, oats, split peas, peanut butter (in a 5 gallon bucket), organic cane sugar, honey, molasses, some spices. Also, I can my own tuna and have 2 freezers full of chicken, pork, and venison (if you open my freezer, that is NOT a box of corn dogs in there. I am using that box to hold something else. Am too.) Even so, whenever I do go to the store (aside from a quick fresh fruit/vegetable run) my cart gets full. Very very full.
I think it would be easier to list what I
don't have in my grocery cart. Yes, much easier. No meat, no avocados, no velveeta cheese. The end, have a nice day.
Tuesday Ten: Ten Things in My Grocery Cart 1. Bagels. I eat a bagel every day for lunch. A toasted bagel. Sometimes plain, sometimes with cream cheese, sometimes with egg salad, sometimes with mayo and tomato. YUM.
2. Noodles. My children would surely perish if I didn't prepare some sort of noodle dish at least 4 times a week. At least that is what they say, and I believe them.
3. Butter. None of that fake margarine stuff around here, no way. Only real heart clogging fats for my family.
4. Fruits and vegetables. Apples, oranges, bananas. Other cheap, on sale fruit. Lettuce, broccoli, celery, cabbage, potatoes. Mushrooms (I know, but they are in the vegetable section)for quesadillas. Carrots. Onions. No avocados.
5. Staples. No, not the poky, office supply kind. Stuff like peppercorns and salt. Cinnamon. Sometimes white flour for when I am feeling lazy. Parmesan cheese from the bulk section. My mother is cringing right now.
I did that on purpose, Mom.6. Refried beans. I have tried making refried beans at home, and they just aren't the same. So I buy either the vegetarian or the fat free refried beans. My children thank me.
7. Tortillas. I have a tortilla press. It is very cool looking. I am sure it would make wonderful tortillas, but I have never used it. I think I am afraid that it won't work and I will be scraping dough off the inside, getting it under my fingernails. I hate getting dough under my fingernails.
8. Eggs. Just kidding. Although, in the winter when eggs are sparse I will get eggs at the store for hardboiling. Not now though when I am getting almost 2 dozen eggs a day.
9. Yogurt. Specifically, Nancy's whole milk yogurt. The doctor's office thinks that my littlest guy isn't growing fast enough so they want me to get more fat into him. Actually what the problem is, is that he is growing up (15th percentile) but not out (under the 5th percentile). This is a change from the last appointment where he was at the 5th percentile in both height and weight. Personally, I think he is growing just fine, but since it doesn't hurt anything to stuff things like yogurt, milk, cream cheese, and cheese in him I will humor them. He would be perfectly happy with this arrangement as well if he wasn't teething. When teething, he doesn't want to eat
anything. Naturally, as soon as he can eat
anything he wants, he
won't eat anything. Stop snickering Cathy, he isn't picky, he's just not hungry.
10. A treat for my husband. Did I mention that my husband goes with me on these large shopping trips? He is indispensable. He deserves a treat. Without him, I have to haul a 300 lb. shopping cart around the store on my own. No lie, I think it must weigh that much by the time I am done. Last time I had to go without him, and the cart was so full I had to move my purse to fill up the child seat with groceries. I couldn't push the cart, I had to pull it. AND, since I go to the cheap place, I had to bag it ALL BY MYSELF. Sometimes I get a little crabby because when my husband bags groceries he does it wrong (that is, not
my way), but NEVER, EVER, MORE. He is welcome to throw everything in the bags willy nilly. And I will get him some peanut butter pretzels, too.