Thursday, May 31, 2007

More Chicks

Actually these little guys (and girls, hopefully) are turkey poults. At a day or two old they look an awful lot like baby chicks, though. You can get an occasional turkey look when they stretch out their necks.

I got the call to come pick them up from the post office at 6:45am. I was just walking out the door to take my son to the bus stop, so it worked out perfectly. It is supposed to be quite difficult to teach the babies how to discover food and drink, but these guys took to it right away. They also seem to like to peck each other, unfortunately.

We have 3 different varieties, 5 of each: Bourbon Reds, Slates, and Royal Palms. Their adult weights should range from 10-25 pounds. I am hoping to keep a pair of each breed in order to hatch my own eggs next year. The rest will either be sold to customers that want a smaller turkey or will go into my freezer. These types of turkeys (called heritage breeds) do not have the huge breast like the Broad Breasted Whites, but they are said to be superior in taste. We will see, as I am getting some BBW turkeys at the end of June. I can't imagine the meat tasting any better, but I suppose it is possible.

Royal Palm

Blue Slate

Bourbon Red

Chick update: There are now 4 little chicks under their mama. Three look like Black Australorps like their mama, and one looks like a Houdan. They are out of the box and pecking at their food, running back to mama when she makes her little clucking noises.


KarenK said...

Congratulations on the baby chicks! And put my name down for a small turkey - yummm. I'll think of some occasion (other than Thanksgiving) for which I *need* to roast a turkey.

Irie said...

cute chicks! If there happens to be a superbly sweet turkey (a la Wilbur from Charlotte's Web), put my name down for it and I will find a rescue home for it. Heh heh! :)