Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Horse Show, Part 2

Anyone who knows my little 3 (almost 4!) year old daughter knows that she has a mind of her own. She gets an idea and won't let go. She has plans and she is going to carry them out, no matter what.

Well, take her...last weekend at the horse show...and multiply times two.

My daughter now has another friend. Carrie's four year old daughter. After some initial shyness, the girls hit it off and got along famously. These two little girls are so much alike it is scary. In fact, after hearing so much about the antics of Carrie's little daughter, I wasn't so sure I wanted them to meet. One is hard enough, but two? Yikes.

Now, last time I talked about the horse show, I mentioned that there are over 120 different classes that a person can enter. One of those classes is a leadline class. Basically, a child gets led around the ring on a horse.

My youngest daughter's second fondest wish (the first one being a pink bear from B-A-B, you know) came true last Sunday and she got to participate in the horse show. Not only that, but her new friend got to ride too.

The horse she was to ride was late so we had to just toss her up on his back right before going into the ring.

Big sister led the horse while Daddy walked along side. This was completely unnecessary, but we did it just for this first time. Isn't that the cutest saddle ever?

She talked to the judge. She told her the horse's name and she told her how old she is.

Of course, all the little ones got a blue ribbon.

There is nothing like building a little confidence on a Sunday afternoon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those are GREAT pictures of the littlest equestrienne!