Sunday, January 28, 2007

Pig Day

Last week I finally decided that the pigs had to go. After the Summer 2005 pig butchering adventure we decided to leave it to the experts, so I called up the butcher and set up a time for them to come: Saturday at noon. How nice, I thought, right about the time I am leaving for a gymnastics meet. Works for me.

They showed up early. I did not expect that. I thought we (middle daughter, who hates the thought of killing the pigs, and I) would be long gone by the time the butcher guy showed up. But he was almost and hour early, so I got to witness at least half of the job.

Yes, half. I had to leave about 20 minutes after they got there and they were over half way done when I left. Do you know how long it took my husband and I to butcher ONE pig? FIVE HOURS. These two men did FOUR pigs in less than ONE hour.

First he shot them all and bled them out.

Then they dragged them over to the back of the truck.

Next they removed all four feet and tucked them under the body to use as stablizers.

Then they washed them off good and started skinning.

They hung them up and finished skinning, then moved them into the truck.

That looks gross. Right now I am chantng "Bacon and ham, bacon and ham." "Pork chops, pork roast, SAUSAGE!!!" Now I feel better. Sorry if the pictures made anyone gag, but you know, sometimes a person has to stay true to their blog title and post something about their little farm.

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